Friday, 18 April 2008

The world is full of McIdiots

A thing that pisses me off more than many other things combined:

People leaving their rubbish on the tables in fast food restaurants.

I really do not see what is so difficult in taking the tray/bag with your rubbish to the bins provided. That's right, there are BINS provided FOR YOU to take your rubbish IN THEM after you've finished eating. Today I failed to resist temptation and had lunch in an evil multinational fast food chain "restaurant" and I can't even begin to describe how much it annoyed me that during prime lunch time when the place was buzzing with busy people eating their unhealthy meals there were people taking up more seats than they needed and leaving their rubbish behind.

The worst thing is that in the past few years the people that seem to be doing this most has changed from loud and rebellious teenagers to middle to upper-middle class people (especially men) dressed office style. These people are usually between the ages 27-40, in their fancy clothes (read: boring black suits), who think too highly of themselves (read: think they're too good to clear up after themselves). I wonder if they actively think that surely there's someone working [their ass off on minimum wage] who's meant to do all the cleaning. I just feel like shouting to these people that YOU'RE MEANT TO TAKE YOUR RUBBISH TO THE BINS YOURSELVES! THAT'S WHY THEY'RE THERE! Pff.

And really, between two people (with no bags, note) YOU DO NOT NEED MORE THAN TWO SEATS! Especially during the busy lunch hours, there's no reason why people should take up more seats than there are people. It really, really frustrates me when people are looking for seats and there are two people taking up tables for four, for example. The situation may be different in a fancy restaurant, but in a fast food place you take up one seat per person, thank you very much. When it's not busy, it doesn't really matter. The worst thing is that many times if you walk up to people taking up many seats and ask if you could possibly take a seat at that table (with no intention to talk to or otherwise bother the people, you just want to eat your food) they look at you with contempt, seemingly saying why should I do ANYTHING for you? Pff, I wish everyone was as loveable and well-mannered as I am.

Pseudo-rant over.

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